How much does Cannabis SEO cost?
Cannabis SEO can contain lots of actions to move your website up in search results. It depends on the scope of services that are included in SEO optimization, the quality of the service itself and other matters.
At Digital Octane we propose two options:
- 1 month of SEO optimization, where we do all the complex work for you and after it’s done, you just need to follow the instructions we’ve sent you ($500 – single payment, service described below).
- On-going SEO work including unqiue content, where we do everything for you on a constant basis (roughly $1000 / mo, depends on the particular website and keywords).
SEO is crucial for CBD companies, since there’s not too much ways to market CBD products and this is the most affordable and the one that can get you clients on a constant basis, so we decided to come up with this solution for Cannabis companies that are just starting their way in the industry.
Usually marketing agencies provide full-spectrum SEO services for quite a large budget, starting from 2-5k USD/month as of our experience. Most of the businesses that are just starting our can’t afford such expenses. So we decided to come up with a very affordable SEO solution.
What we propose:
- 1 month of Cannabis SEO work on your website from our specialist
- Keyword core research – finding best core keywords and combinations based on your website / statistics / geo-position / other factors
- On-Page Cannabis SEO (placing correct keywords / descriptions / titles and other meta-tags for each page)
- Internal linking to search bots would correctly scan all the pages of your website
- Robots.txt and Sitemap set-up
- Google Search Console set-up to automatically check and index your site by search engines
- Yoast SEO plugin set-up – optimizing all the aspects for your site
- Adding Google Analytics to track users / conversions
- All the text and video instructions for you to be able to continue working on SEO by yourself easily to continue moving your website closer to the top positions in related keywords and combinations
Obviously, 1 month is not enough to move your website to top positions in a competitive market, but it’s enough for us to do all the hard work that requires in-depth knowledge in this field, but to get the results, you’ll need to continue constantly doing some easy work on the website by yourself according to the instructions we’ll send you after our part is done.
Benefit of this approach is that we do all the complex work and at the same time it is very affordable, the total cost of the services above is $500.