How to Unpublish a WordPress Web-page?
There are a few ways:
1. Unpublishing a single WordPress page
Go to Pages > All Pages, find a necessary page, hover over it and click Edit. Then click Switch to draft button and confirm that you want to unpublish your page. Be careful if the page you’re unpublishing brings you traffic, in this case you can redirect the URL to another relevant page.
2. Unpublishing multiple WordPress pages
Go to Pages > All Pages, find necessary pages, check the boxes next to them. Click Bulk actions button, then select Edit from a dropdown and click Apply. Select Draft option in Status dropdown menu. Don’t forget to save the changes.
3. Making a page private or password protected
Open the page for editing, click the Public button in Visibility section. Then you should click the Password protected button and there fill in your password. Save the changes with the Update button. Only the website visitors who know the password will be able to see it.
To make the page private (only visible to logged in admins and editors) click the Public button in Visibility section and select Private option. Hit Ok button.
You can find all of your draft, published, password protected and private pages if you go to Pages > All Pages.