The client had a big portfolio of vehicles, which was updated constantly by the client manually and implemented via WordPress Post Type.
The management could not keep up with the updates, because there were too many items and therefore too much work that had to be done by hand, so the client asked us to develop an automation for this.
Garvin’s Garage
Garvins Unique Garage is a website that contains a database with over 800 classic vehicles, which are used for motion picture rentals.

The Problem

The Solution
After all the required research we found out that there is a database of vehicles in Airtable, which client owns and they update this database and then update the website accordingly.
Airtable is a database with interface based on sheets, so it allows to edit the data quickly. We decided to integrate Airtable into client’s WordPress website and to build a custom solution for this purpose, since third-party options were limited in functionality.

Thus, our custom synchronisation plugin to connect Airtable and WordPress was created. We used Airtable API and connected it to WordPress Rest. It allowed to sync the data from Airtable with WP Posts.
We made several different options, such as sync without images to save up on server time and added the possibility to use Cron for automatic syncronization based on schedule.
Besides of this, we built a front-end panel to manage the plugin options, which also was showing status and warning messages, so the manager could be in the know regarding the process anytime.
As a result, with the one click of a button, the Artable base is transferred to WordPress. And no more manual work with WP Post interface required.